• وبلاگ : كليد كسب درآمد با وبلاگ دست ماست
  • يادداشت : سايت کسب درآمد پاپ آپي جديد
  • نظرات : 0 خصوصي ، 9 عمومي
  • ساعت ویکتوریا

    متن پيام :
    حداکثر 2000 حرف
    كد امنيتي:

    A PR or page rating indicates the ability of a site to use backlinks (inbound links). Backlinks have an important role in determining rank, but remember that it may be lower for some reason than a site with a higher PR than a site with lower PR. Perhaps the page for this site is not optimized for keyword terms or has good links to sites, but the keyword has not been targeted in the link text itself.

    Use Traffic web traffic to analyze the backlink for a specific site: it will be more difficult if there are thousands of backlinks from the PR5 + or .Edu sites. If you have used your keyword in the link text, it will become even more difficult.